More "An ordinary demon..."

An orinary demon... : HighSchoolLife (Story)

"Ken, an ordinary demon from Agaren travels to Earth to finish his school year and get an graduations. However, he is not the only demon who came to earth to graduate."


"An ordinary demon with an extraordinary job - High School Life" is an extra story that plays in an Alternative Universe. In this Universe, Ken and Lyra haven't meet before, like in the comic. They first meet in the human world on a High School.


I suggest you read the webcomic first. This is a just for fun project, that's why (e.g.) I don't explain how the characters look like, since their appearance is shown in the webcomic.


I want to remind you guys, that my mother tongue is german and not english. So you will probably find some mistakes.

Gone Astray

Coming soon.