
The Universe Asagarnon with its 9 Planets (+ 1 Sun and Moon)

Planets of Asagarnon


Hybrid planet (christianity)

Agaren is the home planet of Ken.

While most other planets have a god from mythology or religion, Agaren is a planet without a god. However, the archangels from Earth's god, often visit our planet and watch over us. On our planet live all kind of demons. While most planets only have one big folk, Agaren has demons from everywhere! That's why it's called a Hybrid Planet.

Places on this planet

  • The Golden Gate
  • Governments headquarter and Royal Guards
  • Ken's, Lyra's and Yuro's Home


Planet of the humans

Earth is the only planet where no demons or other magical beings live. Here alone people live and rule without magic. There is only one transport center on this planet.
You can only travel to Earth if you meet certain criteria. In addition, you may only stay for 24 hours on earth, with accompaniment.

Places on this planet

  • Mrs. Peters orphanage
  • Kai's Home


Shintakami is the planet of the japanese mythology.

It is said that the inhabitants of Shintakami are the friendliest and most respectful inhabitants of Asagarnon.
There was never a war or rebellions here.
Japanese is actively spoken and written here next to Asagami.

places on this planet

  • Ravien's arena of death
  • Secret Shelter (Amaterasu's)


Black Market Planet



Planet of the Egyptian Mythology


Places on this planet

  • Anubis' Home













Other Places

Intermediate world

The Intermediate world is the home of Kiyoko, the guardian of the portals.
You can'
t reach this place on your own, only if Kiyoko wants it, you can do that. Kiyoko lives alone with Fuhuru in the Intermediate world and observes everything and everyone from there.

Only Kiyoko alone is able to open portals in the Intermediate World.

places in this world

  • Magic stone field
  • Kiyoko's Temple